Thursday, April 9, 2020

RMO - day 23 - how to be a perfect mom. Not.

hey yall.

Today is the 23rd day of the MCO. Not complaining, merely just wanna let out some steam here. betul ke tidak ayat mak tu, lantaklahhh.

dalam masa 23 hari ni i think today is kind of the busiest day of working from home. meaning that dari pagi tercongok depan laptop, reply whatsapp, meeting and so on. also mandikan anak, basuh kain and masak in between. masak taknak kurang pulak kan nak yang renyah renyah je. time time ada meeting sibuk nak pi buat bergedil la apa la.

in between buat bergedil, join meeting pulak. memang hujung2 baru focus yer kak temah. in between buat bergedil and meeting, sibuk tunggu rider pulak nak hantar butter cake. erghh tak sabarnya cant wait to taste it. been wanting a butter cake since last 2 weeks. tapi butter cake ni actually aku mintak tolong husband ambikkan, which is double the pressure. he's the kind of guy yang kalau kata on the way, will keep on asking "dah kat mana dah?". tried my best to not tell him about me buying cake online, tapi terpaksa jugak la sebab tadi kelam kabut dah rasa. tapi okay la he did help me so i thank him for that.

em i also felt bad for not being able to be the kind of moms that can cook on time, feed their baby on time. play with them. im not competing against anyone, but yeah i do compare myself with them sometimes. jenis ada je masa untuk main dengan anak + masak + kerja + kemas rumah like erghhh stahp being so perfect. plus point, dapat jaga badan at the same time.

i know not everything you see on social media is true, plus takde orang kat social media aku yang perfect pun sebenarnya. sendiri je over thinking hshshshs.

entah lah, as i said i just wanted to let things out of my chest. 

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