Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Of BF and FM for our babies


Dari lepas bersalin  ke waktu pantang dan hingga kini ramai yang akan mengalami situasi di mana orang sekeliling akan keep on saying "susu tak cukup tuuu!" if the baby cries.

Let me tell you what my sister told me during my confinement, right after she knew about me buying FM for my baby.

1. First few days, you won't know how banyak is banyak  and how sikit is sikit your milk is. Kalau pump susu, psychologically akan fikir "eh cukup ke ni? Eh baby minum kejap je habis ni." etc etc etc

Her advice? Jangan pump dulu. Direct feed the baby, and if the baby pees and poos normally  ada la tu susu tu.

2. Baby asyik nangis nak latch je. Actually that is the only way for them to communicate with us mothers. They cant talk, they cant tell you what they want. Kakak aku cakap "nak tukar diaper, dia menyusu. Lapar, menyusu. Perut tak selesa, menyusu." so bukan masalah tak cukup susu.

Kena rajin check. You'll know the signs in no time, no worries :) chehwah sekarang no worries, padahal duluuu time sendiri kena.......nangis. hahaha

Tapi for me. FM or BF, NEVER LET YOUR BABY GO HUNGRY. Jangan dengar cakap orang yang FM is bad for your baby la, nak anak pandai bagi BF je la(i personally kena ni!!!!!). Mother knows best gitu. Dont let other mothers downgrade you just because you feed different milk from them.

Like duhh we all know mothers' milk are the best. Tapi kalau dah takde nak buat camna.

3. Growth spurt aka tukar bulan. Ni pada I penting sangat untuk tau!!!! Sebab i never heard of it before, sampai la ada satu hari tu baby cranky gilaaaaaa. Like she wont sleep all night, wanted to latch all the time. Wanted to be held all the time.

Sampai la kakak aku cakap, tu nama dia growth spurt. Baby akan cranky sebab badan dia sedang mengalami perubahan. Kekerapan growth spurt tu varies. Ada yang sebulan, lepastu 3 bulan, 4 bulan, and then skip pulak 7 months. Baby lain2.

Oh and during growth spurt(could take up until a week) baby akan rasa lapar tu lebih so they tend to menyusu more than usual. Jangan fikir you tak cukup susu, jangan fikir you're a bad mom for not giving enough milk to your baby. NO. Kalau kencing berak okay tu ado la susu tu ha.

I pernah rasa baby tak cukup susu, i bancuh FM, lepastu bagi kat baby. Tak sampai berapa minit. Bluwekkkkkk. Muntah balik susu tu. Bukan tak cukup wakkk tapi nature dia camtu. Gittewww.

Okay nak tidur dulu. Hope this helps. In case anyone reads this. Lol.

Btw im typing this using my phone, so if there's a typo, just ignore it ya.

1 comment:

_aliahwafa_ said...

Cant you just focus on finding people on job street or monster.com........