Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 1 Week 4


Yeay! Its almost a month already. Woah how time flies. Anyway, ni pagi tadi;

User : Excuse me. I cant seem to access to my lotus notes account. Why is it?

Me  : oh okay will go to your place.

Dah sampai tempat dia, dia click banyak banyak kali kat mail ke ape tah tak boleh access.

Me : Okay try to log out again.

User : I just logged in, why would i log out?! (tinggi suara nampak amboi cabut plug kang padan muka kerja semua tak save)

User tekan button windows kat bawah tu, ingat orang suruh dia log out windows. Lepastu dah log out lotus notes, nak kill lotus notes lagi. Ergh cant you just wait. -.-

Me  : Okay now log in to your lotus notes account back.

User  :  *Log in sambil bebel sikit.* Tsk.

Clicks the same button she clicked just now. TA-DA! Boleh.

Dari marah marah terus macam terpinga pinga. Ouhhhh tau terkejut. Haaaa.

User  :  Why like that ha?

Me  :  It always happens, so next time you can just log out and try to log in again.

First time assist user tak tanya Justine or Hafiz. Ehehehe yeay Alhamdulillah. tehehe.

Okay bye bye.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 4 Week 3


yesterday was a bit tense in the evening. my supervisor seemed "shocked" lepas i terkantoi nak buat id sendiri. because its kinda hard to explore all these weird applications lotus notes la apa jadah la using his id. so i decided to do it on my own. kemain. lepastu dah terkantoi he was like "aduhhh. justine pergi ajar dia." 

so aku pun dengan gigih mengadu kat kawan teman dan sahabat serta mak dan juga twitter tentang perkara tersebut. huahuahua. i thought he doesnt want me to have my own id. turned out he was okay with it this morning. yeay. siap tolong settlekan lagi. so aku macam biasa la lepas maki rasa serba salah sendirian di sudut ruang.

naaah. tipu jer. kakaka. dah la nak gi semayang bye. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 3 Week 3


Yesterday i was so happy to know that the water rationing will be ended next week. Tiba tiba hari ini..............water rationing will be continued until.....bila tah.

okay bye.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 2 Week 3



Bhahha that shows how boring my day is. And its only 12.38 pm. Haih. Tapi tak boleh. Must. Like.Your.Workplace. saw a senior of mine tweeted something similar to that. so yeah, here i am. trying hard to like my workplace. but so far i guess its okay. its not that bad. the environment is okay. it guys are also okay. pantry also okay. surau's okay.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 1 Week 3


I had an emotional yet awesome weekend. Too boring to read so i wont type about it. come on siapa je yang suka baca benda emo emo ni. Oh ye, last week i was interviewed by a tv3 crew about monday blues. So today i woke up at 7 guling guling guling , turned on the tv on 7.15 and guess what? i missed it. grrr.

lepastu ada akak post kat group cakap "akak nampak wafa kat mhi tadi, baru je tadi." yeayyy. hahaha. its nothing big tapi siapa tak excited tiba tiba kau tengah duduk tunggu orang ambik kau balik kerja tetiba ada orang tanya nak interview. lagi lagi pulak sebelum tu kau nak tweet pasal interview tu tapi kau rasa cam "eleh, big deal. interview je pun." lantas tak jadi nak tweet benda tu. kakaka

okay have a great monday ahead everyone.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 5 Week 2


Harini hari jumaat yeay. Umi dengan abah pergi indon pagi tadi. so, yeah. rumah bosan la 4 hari nanti. nak buat wild party takde kawan kawan yang wild, wild cats ada lah. kah! k hambar.

so i came early to office. sebab nak breakfast kat office. (milo dengan biskut je pun). sedih rumah takde breakfast. wuwuwuw.

okay bye,

Day 4 Week 2


Eyeaayayyyyayayayaya tomorrow's friday~. its friday friday gotta get up on friday. tehehehe.

i think this so called daily internship diary thingy is supposed to be updated malam or petang, bukan pagi. but since there's nothing to do right now, so im just gonna type it anyway. hehehe.

while i was on my way to work just now, i saw a smoker smoking in a car. closed windows . anddddd ada perempuan, budak perempuan, and babyyyyyy belakang tu. i was like wtf man nak smoking at least bukak la tingkap tu.

okay gonna update later. bosan gila.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 3 Week 2

Hello, since i am bored to death, i decided to make a post. Just to buat buat busy like everyone else. tehehe. Okay tak. i've been writing a daily diary since the first day i came here, but writing seems a bit too tiring (mengada) so i decided to just type it here.

Came late today cause my car broke down on my way to office just now. Some idiots honked me. Macam la i nak sangat berhenti tengah jalan tu. Nasib dekat dengan rumah kereta rosak. So abah boleh ambil and balik rumah pakai kereta mak. To be honest i dont want it to be fixed. hahah..The cost of fixing it is the same as the cost of buying a new car. so......hehehe. alaa second hand local car also can... nanti nak repair pape pun murah.

lepastu sampai office semua orang takde. nazrul and kartik went to that it orientation thingy, hafiz and justin meeting kot. hafiz said its not compulsary so here i am....waiting for calls, and, yeah, buat buat busy. tehee.

okay bye bye.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


hello. i am currently doing my internship at a company in IBM Plaza. and its effing boring. its only been like one week and 2 days camtu. Not that i dont like working here. It feels lonely at times. I used to be alone in college back then, so i thought i was gonna be okay... but.....yeah i was okay, and still am. But at times it just feels sooooo sooooo lonely. Macam isolated gila. So what i did most of the times was read news on yahoo, tweet stupid things, whatsapp paez senah ghazali kak zahidah and download series.  

sometimes ikut nasrul pergi assist orang buat kerja. or kartik. my supervisor did gave me a few works. pasal excel......and server room and stuffs. i guess what naz ke nasrul entah said was right, when it comes to networking its all about technicals. no such thing as documentation or updating inventories on excel and stuffs like that. 

im doing this for the sake of my degree. then i'll be off to find another way (nyanyi sikit, kalau tau lagu apa la~). Emm what else ya,nothing much. bye. lunch. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

2010 till 2014 til....God knows when


Ada lagi about two weeks left before cuti semester. Am gonna miss all of you guys so badly. Aish ni semua salah lagu kat radio tadi. Anyway, no need for long introduction, straight to the point je lah. Tapi syarat dia kau play dulu video kat bawah eh, jangan nak bagi alasan internet slow sangat.

 Ish lagu ni la yang dalam kereta tadi, lagu ni lah!!

1. Farhatun nabila , Eija Aji

you guys were always there for me through thick and thin, through tough times happy times sad times. thank you for always being the best listener, pasal friendship, pasal relationshit, relationship, crushes, lecturers and almost all stuffs. thank you ajar i pakai tudung and shawl yang labuh sampai tutup dada. thank you sebab selalu cakap terima kasih and sorry. though sometimes (most of the times) it were my fault, but you guys were always the first one to say sorry. thank you sebab sama sama gila kan kucing , hehehe. thank you sebab lepas gaduh, tetiba je boleh baik balik lepastu tak simpan dalam hati, thank you teman pergi makan tetiap hari sesama, thanks sebab naik lift nak turun pergi toilet tingkat 5 sebab aku sakit kaki, thank you sebab share stories macam macam masa pillow talk session kita. lepas ni sila skype eh kalau nak pillow talk, hihih.

2. Hasnah Kasiran, Tashia

ahhhh sentiasa ada dari foundation sampai degree. my IT girls. huehueheu. thanks tolong buat assignment masa sama sama foundation, pergi kelas lambat nak mamp, kadang kadang awal gila sebab jam senah cepat sejam, balik kelas lepak cafe tasik tiga tiga orang, tengok video kat handphone samsung capuk i dulu tu, lepas midterm islamic studies boleh pergi tengok Rapunzel dekat mines, tolong bagi semangat nak buat final year project, tolong teman pergi shah alam berapa puluh kali tah, tolong teman buat add drop subject, tolong jadi the best listener walaupun kalau gossip kata rahsia, tau tau je tetiba tiga2 orang dah tau dah cerita, elokkk. thanks jadi shawl guru i jugak ya. thanks lepak sama sama dua tiga pagi. tashia you really improved a lot lepas tukar course, am so happy for you. you proved 'those people' wrong. hasnah, despite all your rarest cases (exam salah baca, our jpj test, being alone with no classmates through all 6 semesters) you still survived. beribu ribu taniaaaaaaah! memang betul la kau ni campak dalam hutan pun boleh hidup. balik bandar jangan tukar bahasa binatang sudah la. eh?

3. Ain Amran, Madihah, Diniy, Shapa, Angah (#MadihahFC, #JodohItuKuasaTuhan, #PrayForMadihah)

thanks sebab bagi i happy gila masa sem 5. sem 5 was the best sem, the best semester of all semesters. sumpah tak tipu. alaaa you guys know how much fun we had during that time kannnn. hehehe. pergi festival kat putrajaya (kucing, hot air balloon, bunga api, eh silap, BUNGA API etc), pergi Melaka masa sem 1 degree, pergi Penang masa sem 4, pergi konvoi raya sampai 24 jam lepastu tak boleh masuk sebab sarimah and the gang jaga, elokkk. Thanks sebab ajar i pakai pakaian elok elok (tudung kasi bawah dada, baju tak ketat, stokin pakai etc etc). Belum pernah lagi ada orang yang tengok kereta dia masuk longkang, pastu boleh gelak gelak and buat lawak lagi pasal tu. Tak pernah jugak kad matrik kena ambik, kena marah dengan bpm, pakgad, ustat M, Kak D, Encik E, lepastu boleh gelak gelak and boleh buat lawak pulak pasal tu. Sembang kencang sembang kencing semua ada. XD . Thanks bagi pinjam printer angah, diniy peti ais kau best gila. (tetiba)

Belum pernah lagi aku tengok orang gelak sampai guling guling kat lantai, macam lantai tu katil dia pulak lah kan. Shapa sebenarnya aku ada benda nak confess, plastik chocolate daim in between tilam kau tu, masa sem 5, yang kau mengamuk hentak baldi kat meja tu, yang tu aku dengan eija punya kerja. Sambil gelak tengok running man sambil tangan masuk bawah tu. hahahahaha SORRY! (aku bersyukur aku balik rumah time tu)

Kalau ikutkan berlambak lagi gambar dalam external ni, tapi tu la berlambak jugak rasa malas dalam diri aku ni nak klik satu persatu. but i did clicked all the folders one by one to find all these pictures yaa. sila terharu sekarang, rakamkan dan send ke 32999. 

Akhir kalam, thanks for all the memories. Dari masa aku takde kawan, dari masa aku sombong, tak senyum kat orang, sekarang dah ada kawan, dah kurang sombong and banyak ketawa (ya aku tau banyak ketawa hati mati. tapi cuba la duduk dengan diorang tengok banyak ke sikit ketawa kau). Benda serious boleh buat lawak sampai guling guling. Dari zaman aku tudung pendek sampai dah ke tudung labuh sikit, dari zaman tudung indon, Alhamdulillah dah balik ke malaysia dah tudung aku, dari zaman gigi besi sampai dah bukak braces aku, dari zaman fyp 1 sampai fyp 2, TERIMA KASIH SEMUA ORANG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. 

Jarang tau seorang aliah wafa meng'express'kan kasih sayangnya begini, sila terharu. ihihiks. Siapa kahwin tak jemput siap la, aku post hadiah murah je. Kalau jemput pun, still hadiah murah. kakaka.

Okay gua nak schedule post ni. Byeeee. 

p/s : barang siapa lepak ramai ramai tapi tak ajak, maka dia telah melupakan kawannya yang lain.