Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Counting what??!


You know how important it is to teach your child about private parts right? So my method was i used the simplest yet appropriate word to teach my daughter. I:e - instead of saying vagina, i taught her to say faraj. Susah pulak nak sebut panjang panjang kan.

Now for breasts, its kinda hard and weird to either use breast or buah dada or payu dara. Like to me those words are kinda confusing. So i ended up using the word boobs.

Masalahnya sekarang, she lovesssss counting them. Yes. She would sometimes come to me and asked:

" is that boobs?"

'yes' i answered.

"one boobs, two boobs"

'no you can't say it out loud. Also no matter how many times you count its still going to be 2'

"but Awatif wants to count boobs....." sambil sambung while whispering this time "one boobs, two boobs"

Smh..............gonna start using the word chest from now on. Walaupun might take time sebab dia ni kalau dah tau satu perkataan tu, itu je la dia guna.

Pening kepala mak kau. Hshshs



Nabilabee said...

Wehhhh awatif kelakooooo hahahahah kelako macam mak dia 😂

_aliahwafa_ said...

hey rajinnye kau baca post lama aku hahah