Its been a long time since i last updated my blog. i almost forgot that i even private it due to some reason... excuse my rusty english lol.
Tajuk very the typical kan pregnancy journey gitu. Just wanted to blog about this so that i can remember how it feels like to be pregnant, in the future. and/or whether i should go through it over again or not in the future lol. jkjk.
First trimester -
Okay. At first, i already suspected that i was pregnant. i have always had my period on time every month. without fail. regularly. gitu. Tiba tiba at that time period lambat. Ada la keluar tapi sekejap je. After 2 days, dah tak ada apa2. So mandi wajib and buat aktiviti ibadah seperti biasa, gittohh. Lepas seminggu, i secretly bought a UPT and tested it myself. The result was negative. Not sure why but i was relieved at that time. Maybe risau tak puas enjoy kot.
Did some readings after that. Some say that youll have to wait for at least 2-3 weeks late before testing it. So i did, bought another UPT and waited for 2-3 weeks before testing it. TAPI, naluri tu dah ada. So the following week, masa tengah lunch, dah makan nasi ni boleh pulak teringin pasta, so beli pulak pasta and makan. Lepastu cakap dengan Nieda "beb jom gi Guardian. Aku rasa aku pregnant la. Nak beli test kit tu." Gigih naik uber pergi Guardian.
Beli time tu yang tak payah tunggu pagi untuk test. Sebab UPT biasa disarankan untuk buat time pagi. Like you need to test it using the first pee of the day. I couldnt wait any longer. So i tested it straight away after returning back to office. As expected, the result was positive, Alhamdulillah :)
I couldnt stop smiling the whole day. Nieda expected it, but of course i wouldnt want her to be the first person to know about it. Of course husband kena tahu dulu! Lepas makan malam, this was our conversation:
Me : Nanti dalam hujung bulan 12 ada orang nak datang ziarah tau.
Him : Siapa?
Me : Ada la, dalam bulan 12 nak ke bulan 1 macam tu.
Him : Siapa? Bagitau la.
Me : Showed him my belly.
His first reaction was to tell Ibu, my MIL. I shhh-ed him at first. He already suspected it anyway. Lepas makan macam tu, baru boleh bagitau MIL. I was expecting him to cry or to be overjoyed with the news, hence the shhh-ing. Lepas bagitau MIL baru husband excited cakap "yeay nanti ada kawan kecik."
First trimester was a bit tough. Pagi gosok gigi muntah, malam lepas makan muntah. Memang nak makan asam asam je time tu. So meja aku ada asam tu lah, asam ni lah. Tapi Alhamdulillah dekat office tak ada muntah2 sangat.
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Second trimester-
Wohooo enjoyyyy. Pergi berjalan sana sini. Sampai ke JB pergi wedding Eija. Tidur hotel best. Penat pun tak rasa sangat. Lunch kalau teringin apa2 pergi carik. Tapi so far bila orang tanya ada craving apa2 tak, tak ada. Craving tu macam datang dan pergi. Cuma ada la satu masa tu teringin sangat nak roti canai dekat specific kedai kat Simpang Balak tu, but husband was on fever att and wouldnt buy it for me. So i drove myself and bought it, sambil nangis2 ni sebab kecik hati. LOLLL.
At second trimester, dah nampak sikit baby bump. Rasa beza lemak (lembik) and baby bump (keras). Also, at this stage is where you will feel the movement of the baby. I first felt it while at office. Time tu nak solat asar, baring kejap. Sekali rasa "DUP." Time tu ingatkan masuk angin ke apa. Rupanya it was my baby, kicking and doing his/her thing :')
Also, we knew our baby's gender at the age of 25 weeks if im not mistaken. :)
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and, mostly beli barang baby online. Dah hujung2 nak masuk third trimester baru beli dekat kedai baby. Kitorang prefer Aeon Midvalley. Sebab nak masuk mother care bagai idok le temannn.
Third trimester-
Sikit sikit sakit tu datang, sakit ni datang. Sakit pinggang. Tapi Alhamdulillah towards the end jugak lah sakit tu datang. Certain orang awal2 dah sakit pinggang, macam aku hujung2 nak dekat due date ni sakit datang. Air ketuban kurang sampai kena warded. Sampai la ni, at 38 weeks belum bersalin lagi.
Also, time third trimester ni boleh la pergi antenatal class. Ada yang free and ada yang berbayar. We went to Hospital Pakar An-Nur punya antenatal class. RM150 per couple. You can just message them on facebook. Cause kalau call pun, dia akan suruh PM facebook. Tapi sebenarnya, apa yang dia ajar, semua ada dalam buku pink checkup pregnancy tu. kalau bukak buku dekat Klinik Kesihatan la. Kalau swasta tak pasti.
Andddd dah hujung2 pregnancy ni, banyak pulak barang sampai kat rumah. Emmm rupanya ada orang beli mainan sebab tengah sale. Tau2 je, "nanti ada barang sampai bagitau ya." Haiyoh husband very the excited. Nasib baik dia pandai kemas so im okay with it. As long as he's happy and excited its fine. heheh.
I think thats about it. Phewh. Please pray por meeee. May Allah ease this journey and my labour process. Serem oi.
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Will un-private this blog back.. sooner or later. lol.