Sunday, November 8, 2015

Beep beep!


Beep beep tu apa? Sejenis kereta mainan ke? Teeett. Hello kereta betul okay bukan kereta mainan. Ergh hambar betul rasanya introduction ini.

So beep beep is our new car. Yes, its ours. Not his' , and not mine. We decided to share our salaries to pay the installment every month. We first planned to buy a Proton Saga. Sebab orang tua tua and orang keliling cakap "beli la kereta sedan. Nanti nak ada family senang sikit banyak ruang." And due to our financial at that time, we decided to ditched our plan of buying an Iriz. But our plan B was "kalau ada rezeki and ada promotion kite beli iriz kay? =)"

Yes, to some, you guys might think "ler iriz kereta idaman kome? beli le kereta oversea baru la tahan lama." Emph tu sesuai dengan istilah biar papa asal bergaya. lepastu nanti kedana. (rhymes). or some people might think "eh nanti dah ada anak muat ke nak sumbat dalam iriz tu? beli kereta sedan." hang ingat lepas kahwin besok tu terus dapat anak berderet ka? hamboi sangat. budak ofis aku siap bergurau "beli kereta nanti beli baby seat terus la wafa" -___- hahaha

anyway, back to our beep beep. Si Paeh ni memang dah lama cakap nak beli kereta nak beli kereta nak beli kereta, tapi aku mesti akan cakap "sabar  dulu nak beli awal awal, kang tu tak cukup, ni tak cukup nak bayar tu nak bayar ni. Tunggu few months before kahwin." And he had to say okay to that. Sebab kalau tak iolls merajuk. okay tu tipu hahaha.

Kebetulan haritu kita dua orang masing masing dapat berita menggembirakan. Our salaries were increased, yes both of us.  Alhamdulillah. Tapi effectively increased in different months. So i jokingly said to him "so dah boleh fikir pasal kereta dah ni hihihihi." Tiba tiba malam tu terus "nak beli iriz tak? ada promotion." YES. A promotion on the same day we knew our salaries are going to be increased. Coincident? *acah acah garu dagu* over sangat.

i reluctantly said yes at the moment thinking "cemano nak sumbat anak dalam iriz nanti?" okay tak. hahaha tak fikir pun pasal tu. Fikir pasal bayar. When we first planned to buy saga, mengikut perkiraan kasar setiap saorang akan bayar around 200+ macam tu. And the reason why we put iriz as our plan B sebab ikut kira2 si Paeh, seorang akan bayar around 300+ tak silap. So beza 100 was a lot to us at that time.

I agreed to buy iriz but reminded him not to buy it too soon. we still have a lot to prepare for our wedding, with the hantarans and all that. he said yes, but still asked for my copy of IC and driving license. Taknak hampakan hati seorang Paeh yang tengah membara nak beli kereta. Dalam 2 minggu tu, Alhamdulillah everything went well and loan lepas. Nak lepaskan loan berdebar okay tunggu call dari bank. Dah lah aku punya work environment takleh bawak phone masuk office. Paranoid pahal tah.

The third week macam tu kitorang dapat our new iriz. and we called it Beep beep! sebab dia kecil dan comel. hekhek. Tapi semua tu paeh uruskan. Aku tukang sign je hikhikhik. I got to choose the color by the way. Our beep beep is in silver moon dust color. Pretty cool huh *emoticon spek hitam*. Sebab masa on the road tengok cam cool je, compared to color merah and hijau and biru. Cam kereta mainan hehehe.

Thats our beep beep! Tengah pasang tinted. Masa mula mula masuk kereta rasa macam takde tingkap. Macam tangan boleh keluar tingkap. Panaih wey. Hahaha. Lepas ambik gue dekat PJ, terus pergi Puchong tinted kereta. Beli kereta ni pun kat Puchong, dekat encik Rejaalfais. Mula mula Paeh cakap nak beli kereta aku siap google dulu name salesman tu. Alhamdulillah okay. Tengok si paeh senang je settle dengan dia =)

Look at that color. Cool kan? kekeke. Anyway, kedai tinted ni terletak di Puchong. Care Kool Puchong. The owner was so friendly. She gave explanation before letting us choose the color of the film for our car. The explanation also includes the price range, the security, features and package that she thinks suit us. Takdelah tengok je, terus suruh ambik yang mahal punya package.

Oh Price range around Rm1200+, tapi sebab beli kereta ada voucher 600 untuk tinted, so kite dua orang cuma bayar around 600+ seorang, including GST. Selain tinted, pasang sekali carpet/coil mat. kasi takde lubang lubang. And kasi senang nak bersihkan nanti =)

I highly recommended you guys to get your car tinted here. Tak kisah la tinted ke, pasang carpet ke, head lamp protector ke. They really know how to make customers feel comfortable. We know we did. =)

check out our car in their facebook page.  CareKool Tint, siap cakap friendly customer gitu. Hahaha. Si Paeh la banyak cakap, aku angguk, yes no je ler, iolls noob bab kereta. Nasib tau drive kekeke.

Lepas habis tu kitorang pergi Bangi (i know from Puchong to Bangi, tetiba sangat), ingat nak pergi carik Smart Tag kat Tol Sungai Besi. Settle sembahyang dulu, pergi isi minyak dekat Shell, tiba tiba ternampak ada jual smart tag. Terus beli touch n go sekali. Lepastu nak lalu smart tag "TIADA SMART TAG". Damn it i dont know to use the new one. So we just manually tap it.

Before balik, singgah Giant Kelana Jaya carik car freshener. Hurmm walaupun sebenarnya taknak tapi sian Paeh sebab dia nak. Tak sure bau dia camne sebenarnya tapi maybe okay kot. Asalkan tak kuat sangat cam ambi pur tu rasa okay lah kot.

DAH KURUS WEH. Im talking about the perut kay not the chin =D 

FINALLY GOT TO DRIVE YEAYYY. Abaikan angle gemuks itew. Baju and tudung mak mak sebab malas nak siap. kekeke. 

Okay la weh drive iriz. Untuk orang pendek cam aku ni, sebab kerusi dia sedap camtu, so takyah nak kedepan kan kerus to the max untuk pijak pedal. hehehe. And untuk orang tinggi panjang cam si paeh tu, takyah nak kebelakangkan kerusi to the max sampai orang belakang sempit. hihihih

And kereta ni cepat sejuk kay. Kau kalau nak rasa pengalaman winter boleh la beli iriz. kekeke okay over lagi. And dalam dia takde la kecik cam orang lain (aku pun) fikir. Lebih kurang cam myvi je. Tapi selesa lagi iriz. eceh mesti la up kereta sendiri. Kalau nak parking bontot pun senang wey, ada reverse camera. Cam kat bawah ni, hijau tu means okay, boleh belakang lagi. Merah tu kira dah limit. Tapi semalam try, still jauh lagi. Tapi okay la tu takde masalah, for security reason okay la  =)

And Iriz dia ada hotspot okay dalam kereta. 4G yes tu, free for one year. So while paeh is driving, i can update my instagram. lol no, kidding. GPS dia kitorang tak try lagi, kena update dulu.

 Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly for us. Allah's plan is very great tau. Dari dulu teringin nak ada kereta macam orang lain. Tapi tak dapat dapat, sampai lah semalam =) Bila dah ada tanggungjawab, bayar pakai duit sendiri, baru tau reti nak appreciate. Ye lah, Atos dulu kereta third hand, dapat dari kakak aku. Sebab tu boleh slumber bagi orang pakai sana sini sampai masuk air (ops)... hahahaha joking shapa.

Atos dalam kenangan. Abah bagi kawan abah pakai :(

This was taken from Paeh's facebook. Kite dua orang tak kenal pun tauuuu time tuu. And it wasnt me who drove that car at that time okay. heheh

Dah la nak karaoke kat youtube. bye bye!

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