Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 2 Week 8


Last week ada sorang budak baru masuk kat department HR, part time for like one month I think.  So secara tiba tiba dia telah menjadi lunch mate baru gua since lunch mate lama dah habis intern dia last two weeks.

At first I thought we could not get along since she’s from Kelantan. Yea I know I know it sounded a bit state-cist. cause I always heard that kelantanese only want to befriend with kelantanese too. Turned out people were wrong. (okay I pun….) We got along well. Very well. She was one year older than me, just like Shafiqah, my ex lunch mate (amboi kemain).

She even belanja me once she knew my birthday was last Saturday. Sweet Ana is sweet. Sebenarnya aku ni sedang menghabiskan masa sementara tunggu lunch since kerja tiada, report dah kekeringan idea nak buat, Hasnah and Kak zahidah are busy doing their work (or maybe dah gi lunch kot). 



Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 3 Week 7

Omg its week 7 alreadyyy, am so excited to finish this bloody internship thing. Tapi tapi tapi lepastu kalau tak dapat kerja taktau nak buat apa. Marry someone rich maybe. Ah rich people are sometimes annoying. Nanti kena tuduh nak kikis duit la apa la. Ingat orang lain hadap sangat duit dia tu. (emo tetiba)

Annddd this coming Saturday is my birthday. I guess when you get older you don’t feel excited anymore. I don’t really care anyway. Ok tipu. Last time I celebrated my birthday was in 2009, 5 years ago man. So yeah, I am not really looking forward to it. Bet this years 24th may is gonna be the same as last 5 years. *insert emoticon sedih*.

Dah lah bye. Nak buat buat busy. kakaka. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 3 Week 5


harini kerja kita ulang alik ke regional side (belah top level management - overseas punya orang) pasang monitor, tanya password, belajar install mdm air watch to user's iphone and ipad. phewh. installnya okay, tapi dah kalau tulisan haromain sampai kena pergi dua kali la bilik dia tanya password. Pastu tanya windows username and password, tetiba tulisan dia....

"can you understand it?"

...... emmm no i dont think i understand it.

terus tulis satu persatu, haaa boleh pun. jangan nak doctor sangat la. medical supplies company kot bukannya hospital tulisan nak kena camtu. Eh? kakaka.

So anyway, since aku tak pernah assist user orang putih, orang german to be exact, mesti la cuak kan. Dah la english dia aku paham tak paham je.

Lepas tu tadi lepas dah hantar ipad dia yang dah siap, supervisor aku cakap "haa okay je kan? dia takde nak makan kau ke ape kan? takdenya nak mintak nombor telefon kau ke apa. Pangkat bapak kot dia tu."

Lebih kurang camtu la. aku cam wth gila peeeee -___- takde masa nak perasan sampai begitu sekali. tapi manager tu memang handsome pun. kakaka mati laaaaa nanti kang "untung la ada orang german"

okay dah itu je. nak balik, nak tidur. lusa half day yeay.

dah la bye.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

day 1,2 week 5


semalam banyak la jugak kerja.

okay bye. muahahah. am so lazy to continue this stupid daily diary thingy. hanywayyyy besok start kerja sorang balik since backfill ke backfiled hentah eja dia dah takde. :( am gonna miss her. we understand each other's jokes perfectly. haaa gittuhhh. haih. hidup hidup. tetiba. okaibai.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 2 3 4 5 Week 4


Haaaa tu tandanya dah malas lah tu compilekan 4 hari sekali terus.

Semalam hari Pekerja yang tak berapa nak pekerja. SEBAB HARINI TAK CUTI.

OKAY tu je. First time menghargai hari pekerja sebab dah jadi pekerja. hehew.
